Friday, June 28, 2024

Middle-of-the-Year Reading Resolution - From My #Bookshelf

Resolutions exploding like Fireworks!

Almost everyone compiles a list of resolutions, or thinks about making resolutions, at the start of each New Year. Then July rolls around, and with half the year gone, the list becomes more burden than incentive. My good-intentions list is no exception - other than for my "reading resolution" as recorded on my annual Goodreads Reading Challenge. 

A reading list keeps me focused. But personal, recommended book suggestions are always welcome and often a pleasant surprise.  

Hawaii Fiction Writers group meets monthly at the Aina Haina Library on the island of O'ahu. Recently the library extended an invitation to local writer, G.T. London, to speak about her writing and a recently published sequel to her novel, Second Chances and Then Some

G.T. London spent years living in England, working as a business and leadership coach, consultant, and trainer in the UK and Canada. She also served as a guest lecturer for MBA students before becoming a full-time writer and moving with her husband to live in Hawaii.

I quickly read G.T. London's first novel before the meeting and commented in my book review: 

The intrigue of a mystery and a heavy undercurrent of possible romance held my interest throughout the novel. Strong character development and a satisfying denouement deserve top stars.


**I am eager to read the author's second novel, Eight Weeks Later, because it is set in Hawaii and has a genealogical mystery in its plotline . . . so stay tuned for future comments!**


Friday, June 21, 2024

Contributing for the Benefit of All: "Saving Hambone's Bacon"

Recently I read an enjoyable children-of-all-ages' book, Saving Hambone's Bacon. The book, written by fellow author and Hawaii resident, Julia Pace, highlights a theme that focuses on working together.

This theme reminded me of a demonstration given by a late-night talk show host who changed a flat bicycle tire on stage, a relatively unremarkable event until he stated that what he learned at age 13 - how to change a flat tire - was of use today. He then asked his virtual audience, "What did you learn in your youth that is useful to you today?"

The question requires a bit of thought and could easily lead a person down multiple rabbit holes while thinking back to one's younger days. Where it led me was to thoughts of my eighth-grade cheerleading squad. As a student in a newly constructed school with a small class of about 21 girls and boys, the teacher insisted that the cheering squad must include every girl in the class participating as a cheerleader for sports events - meaning: all or nothing. The lesson I learned then, that is useful today, is that everyone counts equally.

This is a lesson Julia Pace illustrates in her book, with humor and entertaining animal characters.   


My book review
Saving Hambone's Bacon

Young children are sure to enjoy reading this book and meeting the colorful farm animals, each having their own special magic to contribute for the benefit of all. Imagining the giggles this story will inspire was the most fun of all. The lesson about the importance of everyone is an added bonus - for young and old alike.

Saving Hambone's Bacon by Julia H. Pace
Available on

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


HAWAII FICTION WRITERS is a writers' group whose members meet on the first Saturday of every month at the Aina Haina Library on the island of O'ahu. Members on outer islands; in Texas or other states of the USA; England or other continents; correspond and receive updates via electronic means. HFW members are always eager to meet other writers and hear about their journeys as authors.

We also meet as a critique group on the third Saturday of the month. While HFW is an informal group, its cohesiveness is maintained via our fearless meeting coordinator, author Michael Little. Michael's novels, Queen of the Rodeo and Chasing Cowboys, are both heartwarming, light romantic comedies complete with wild horses, bulls, and even a horned toad.


Heading into the summer of 2024, Michael is compiling an anthology of short stories focused on a library theme, with authors choosing varied locations, plots, and genres for the stories they contribute to the collection. More information will be available soon on the project's participants and stories.

Michael also spear-headed and published another anthology around the time of Covid, when any accomplishment was considered well-done. With the publication of this particular, rather "quirky" anthology, Kissing Frogs and Other Quirky Tales, he pulled off quite a successful feat with proceeds earmarked for donation to a local library.


A collection of 26 new variations on familiar fairy tales, fractured for your entertainment.

Enjoy a quirky take on familiar fairy tales: Goldilocks; Snow White; The Frog Prince; Hansel and Gretel; Jack and the Beanstalk; Little Red Riding Hood; Hansel and Gretel; Pinocchio, and the Brothers Grimm. 

Kissing Frogs and Other Quirky Fairy Tales is available in print at