Friday, August 23, 2024

Trigger Your Imagination #WritersBlock

Waikiki - one sure cure for "writer's block"

Living in Hawaii means easy access to beaches and hiking trails, with plenty of distractions that send writers into a quandary about how to divide their time. But "writer's block" is a great excuse to grab a paperback novel or loaded e-reader and head to Waikiki for a bit of sun and relaxation. Something is certain to trigger thoughts of the next best-selling novel.

Recently, I read an entertaining novella a bit out of my mainstream reading genre (and suggested age category of 10-18) Mask of the Vampire by author Drep Code. A member of Hawaii Fiction Writers, Drep is always eager to discuss the background of his writing and the plotline of the story. In Hawaii, he majored in Criminal Justice and Psychology at Chaminade University before writing this intriguing tale of self-discovery.                                                  

Suggested reading age:
10 - 18 years


I am currently reading The Eclipse Killing by Rachel Funk Heller. As a speaker at a recent Hawaii Fiction Writers' meeting, Rachel shared information about her research habits and writing process. Along with a tale of murder set in San Francisco, the novel's investigation deals with astrological symbols and a sex Magik cult. The book's synopsis also promises that every shadow holds a hidden threat. 

As with Mask of the Vampire, I will most likely be reading this novel on a brightly sun-lit lanai rather than late at night behind unlocked doors.

Murder and Magik

Rachel previously published The Writer’s Coloring Book, which is also the eponymous title of her website filled with tools for visual artists to convert their ideas into text. Writer's Coloring Book - Color Your Way to a Complete Novel (


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