Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week #7 of The Next Big Thing and Triple 7 Challenge

Possible e-Book Cover
Welcome! Here’s the plan:
***Answer the ten questions (below) about your current WIP (Work In Progress).
     (I’ve chosen to answer one question per week with the best intentions of publishing my second novel by the time I post the final question.)
***Tag five other writers/bloggers and add their links so we can hop over and meet them.
It’s that simple. When you post, please tweet me @GailMBaugniet so I can follow you!     

My friend, Ken (Author Kenneth Hoss, http://kenhoss.blogspot.com/) also invited me to join in a Triple 7 Challenge. Since this is Week #7, it fits in well here so I will answer the question and follow the rules for Triple 7: Share 7 lines from page 7 of your current novel or 77 words from a WIP.

Here is Question #7 of The Next Big Thing:
TNBT: How long did it take you to write the first full draft of your novel?

GAIL: I have the Pepper Bibeau Mystery Series loosely laid out with settings and story lines. When I get an idea for a story, I write a three-thousand to eight-thousand word shell of the story. For my WIP, Different In Degree, I wrote outline chapters a couple of years ago. After self-publishing my first novel, For Every Action, I dug out my notes in June, 2011, and started working on Different In Degree. I completed the first draft in January, 2012.

For the Triple 7 challenge, I am sharing 77 words from my WIP:
Different in Degree:

The temperature dropped . . .
Typical of Lake Michigan, the storm had built in a matter of minutes. As the ferry approached the entrance to Death’s Door, heavy gusts rocked the vessel. The corridor between the tip of the Peninsula and Plum Island’s coastline captured the howling winds. Each time the ferry lurched, more water sprayed the deck. My stranglehold on the rail slipped as I struggled for purchase, staring out at the open water and waiting for rescue.

AND NOW, a total of seven awesome writers/blog sites to visit:

1. Judy Harper http://www.acreativewriterinprogress.blogspot.com/

3. Eric (SpitToonsSaloon) http://spittoonssaloon.blogspot.com/

4. The Indie Exchange http://theindieexchange.com/

5.Virginia Lee https://dagonsblood.wordpress.com/

6. The Independent Author Network http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/index.html

Full set of questions for The Next Big Thing Interview:

(Judy Harper suggested that for those writing The First Big Thing, unpublished authors modify the questions accordingly. I look forward to following her posts!)

What is the working title of your book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
What genre does your book fall under?
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
How long did it take you to write the first full draft of your manuscript?
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?


  1. Thanks for the link! Now I'll need to go and answer the question. I've visited a few of the links, interesting sites!

  2. Thank you, Gail. :)

    Off to a writer's conference on Friday so even more snowed under than usual but will leave this window open for when I get back...

    Morgen (with an E) :)

  3. Thanks, Judy. I enjoyed your post and like your plan for The First Big Thing!

    Morgen, thanks for visiting. Enjoy the conference. I know how busy you are with all your blogging and other activities!

  4. So exciting that you are almost "there" with Book 2! Look forward to seeing it with your signature on it.

  5. Thanks, Lori, definitely signed! Everyone missed you at Toastmasters today!


Aloha and thank you for visiting today! Feel free to tweet or share any posts of interest.