I recently joined Goodreads, a site I would describe as Facebook for book lovers. You can add a list of books that you've read, are currently reading, or plan to read. You can also add reviews or read what others have written. Goodreads is also a great place to organize your reading list.
I have approximately 50 books stacked in corners, waiting to be read. Was that good enough for me? Noooo! I purchased a Kindle and added 20 more books to my TBR list.
My Review of Obake Files
The stories in this book are not meant for a Halloween night by the campfire for children. These stories actually reflect 25 years of study conducted by Dr. Grant, who held a doctorate in American Studies from the University of Hawai'i and was a teacher at Hawai'i Tokai International College.
No urban legends here about taking pork over the Pali or disasters following removal of lava from the islands (true stories, but exaggerated over time.) Even if you don't believe in the supernatural, you'll be hardpressed to disprove the encounters detailed in this book. Better to sit back and enjoy the stories of ancestral bones in mysterious caves, a Kapahulu haunting, legends of the fire goddess Pele, and the curse of Aloha Stadium.
You'll soon experience the true meaning of that Hawai'ian expression "chicken skin."