Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#IWSG Question: Where Do You See Yourself 5 Years From Now?

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Alex J. Cavanaugh's awesome co-hosts for the December 7 posting of the IWSG are Jennifer Hawes, Jen Chandler, Nick Wilford, Juneta Key, JH Moncrieff, Diane Burton, and MJ Fifield!
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The December 7 Question: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?

My insecurities do not lie in my beliefs about my abilities or the appeal of my novels but in an inability to attract the attention of readers who share those beliefs. Just writing the words makes me feel egotistical. Is it any wonder my marketing isn't top notch?

Nothing keeps me from continuing to write my novels, however. For NaNoWriMo2016, I typed all but the final climactic scene of my next Pepper Bibeau mystery. The reason I skipped over the climax was because I had a different solution in mind before I started writing. Near the end of the month, a much better solution presented itself to me. I was so excited about this new ending, I refused to write it. Sometimes, it's good to savor such pleasures for as long as possible.

This novel will also be the last one in the series. In the next five years, I will compile and publish a mystery short story anthology featuring sixteen Honolulu authors, concentrate on a new protagonist in a new mystery series, and edit my genealogical novel which is informed by my 20+ years of genealogy research.

But what about the marketing?
Ay, there's the rub.
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Mele Kalikimaka
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
Mr & Mrs Claus greeting visitors to
Honolulu Hale on O'ahu Island, Hawai'i


Saturday, December 3, 2016


70 Poems for 70 Days 
 is a collection of poetry I wrote as a birthday present to myself and gifted in book format to 70 of my friends and family members. Over a period of 70 Sundays, I am submitting the poems in the order of composition, along with a short comment about the poem’s style or theme,
often including a complementary photograph.

With linked poetry, a form of Japanese Renshi poetry,
the last lines of one poem are used to form the title of the next poem,
then the next poem shifts to a different topic.

I hope you find a few entries that bring a smile to your face or a long buried memory to the surface of your consciousness. Poetry is like that, whether you are the reader or the author.

down at the water
again, whispering a prayer.
Maybe one day the brave little
girl would open the eyes of the world.
She would demonstrate how change, by way
of  acceptance rather than  argument  and discord,
would benefit
everyone. Was this
a goal worth waiting for,
as death stole the hearts and souls
of families while they knelt to offer pleas?
Sons and daughters breathed their last, as they
each believed they too had made life safer back home
She whispered
a second  prayer,
eager to believe, along
with those sons and daughters
of revolutions, there would be an end.
As she waited, tiny flowers drifted across her
field of vision. The yellow blossoms reminded her
is possible
She smiled
The universe
smiled back
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These seventy poems were penned, not to confront or analysis a life endured but to give thanks for and to better appreciate a life well-lived. 

Had we, all of us, not fully experienced every moment of past years as we did, then everything we encountered would have evolved differently. Our altered actions would not only have eliminated our tribulations but a vast amount of pleasure, blessings, and joy. 
If even one of these poems gave you reason to laugh or cry with tears of remembered joy, please feel free to contact me to share a nostalgic moment. 
Available for purchase in print at Amazon: